Refund Policy

IptvSpotlight Refund Policy

Please read the following carefully, then send us a refund request by contact us on whatsapp or Email.

Requests for Refund must be clear and acceptable:

√ At IPTVspotlight reseller we want to make sure that the customers who are interested in the IPTV business should already know what they are going to sell therefore we offer 24 hours of a free trial.

√ If your internet speed is slow, you will not be able to see and use our IptvSpotlight services and then request a refund.

√ The big IptvSpotlight team is always ready to respond 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and if you can't set up the IptvSpotlight service on the devices you have for any reason, it won't include refunds. Please see and learn the necessary tutorials on setting up iptv.

√ Moreover, any credits bought cannot be refunded because they count as used.

You can still keep those credits for yourself as they will remain on the panel permanently no matter if you are planning to purchase a reseller panel in the future or not. Despite that we still want to assure you that we have the best service than many other providers, therefore, you can ask us anything you want.

You can simply contact us through WhatsApp or Email, where we can discuss where we went wrong that you are claiming a refund.